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The All New Triquetra Tool Box

It's not just a G-Code Generator any more!

Please read through the following information below before you purchase the all new Triquetra Tool Box.

There are four versions available

The Triquetra Tool Box is a newly release Windows application that will operate on PC’s running Windows XP through Windows 10. There are four versions of the program. All versions are identical in functionality with the only differences being the layout for different computer monitors and support for internet connected computers and computers not connected to the internet. I have found that many CNC users are using older Monitors that display a 4 X 3 (800X600) screen resolution type of format and some other have more modern 16 X 9 wide screen monitors that can display a much higher screen resolution. The best way we have found to insure that all users will be able to get the program to display properly for all users is to have a High Resolution version and Low Resolution version. Aside from that, all versions are identical. If you install the High Resolution version and find that some of the objects are being partially displayed or are over lapping, then you should uninstall it and install the Low Resolution to solve the issue. The Low Resolution version requires a minimum screen resolution of 800 X 600 while the High Resolution will display properly on all resolutions. After installing the program you should experiment with different screen resolution settings to get the best fit for your monitor. We have created a set of web pages that will guide you to the correct version for the target computer you wish to install the software on.

Steps to install

To install the software click here to answer the selection guide questions.  Download the version that fits your computer monitor as described above. The download file is in Zip format. Unzip the program and launch the Setup file. The program will install and should create a Icon on your desktop and create a start menu item then automatically start itself after installation is complete.

During the installation you may be presented with a Windows Smart Screen pictured Below. This usually appears only during automatic updates that are done online.

If you encounter this screen and the "Install/Run Anyway" button is not visible then click on the “More Information” text and then the resulting “Install/Run Anyway” button that appears. This is a normal for new software. The Triquetra Tool Box includes a Code Signing Certificate. This Smart Screen will eventually disappear as the software is installed on more computers. This is something that Microsoft does to alert end users that they are installing software that is new and that they should only install it if they trust the source. For that reason, I strongly recommend that you NEVER install the Triquetra Tool Box unless you downloaded if from


To activate the software you will need two things. Both of which you will receive via email from Triquetra CNC after your purchase. The email is not an automated process but will be sent to you as quickly as possible. The email will contain a Order Number and a Serial Number. These are specific numbers that are assigned to you only. If you do not receive these numbers within 8 hours after your purchase, please use the contact form on to request them. While waiting for your activation codes, you can use the program in the Trial Mode but you will not be able to generate g-code files or save data. The Stepper Calibration and Unit Conversion Pages are fully functional in the Trial Mode.

Can I backup my database?

There are two buttons on the Main Menu for backing up and restoring your database file. This file holds all the data that is entered into the various screens within the program. To backup, just click on the Backup Database button on the Main Menu and select the location to save the file. You can use the Restore Database button on the Main Menu to restore your database and for synchronizing different installations on different computers or restore it back to the same installation should it become corrupt or accidently deleted.

How many computers can I install the software on?

You are not limited on the number of installations. I have found that I use the Triquetra Tool Box on my home PC, my laptop, and my shop computer. For this reason, I am not limiting the software to just one installation. You can install the High Resolution and Low Resolution versions as needed on all your computer systems. If you install it on multiple systems then I highly recommend that you use something like a thumb drive, Drop Box, or some type of portable storage to backup and restore your database file in order to sync each system.

How do I update the software?

The Triquetra Tool Box is a self updating application for computers connected to the internet. At launch it will check for updates and install them if you agree. If you have data in your database that has not been backed up you should  decline the update and backup your data. Once you have your data backed up you can update the software using the Update Software button on the Main Menu. You should keep a current backup of your database to avoid loss.

If you installed the version for computers that are not connected to the internet then you will have to download the new versions as they become available by going through the selection guide again to download and install updated versions. Be sure to backup your database prior to installing an updated version manually.

To purchase the Triquetra Tool Box click here for the product order page.


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